Learn how to take control of your career

Tired of feeling powerless in your career? Then sign up for my FREE Webinar! I’ll share how YOU can reclaim control over your career – and your next job search! (PS…did I mention it’s completely FREE?)

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Who Am I?

I teach proven career strategies to prepare you for any interview, regardless of role, company, or industry.

If you’re feeling unsatisfied, stuck, or stagnant in your career, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter, career coach, hiring manager, and HR professional working directly for companies like FedEx, Amazon, Visteon (Ford Motors), Korn Ferry, and more, I’ve interviewed and hired 1000’s of people in my career. I’ve also sat in countless intake calls, and post-interview debriefs with 100’s of hiring managers and interview teams.

Armed with this knowledge and experience, I will share with you the ultimate insider’s info on how to write a resume that actually gets seen by recruiters, how to get through the gauntlet of a corporate interview process, and ultimately land your dream job!


Bryan Creely, A Life After Layoff

bryan creely from a life after layoff - career coach
Nashville career coach, Bryan Creely
Private 1-on-1 Career Coaching

Sometimes we need a bit of help to get unstuck and gain clarity.

If you’re looking to get direction, unlock your potential or maybe just to get some questions answered, this is for you.

COURSE Offerings

Level up your career search with my deepest and most intimate recruiting knowledge!

Resume Rocketfuel​

Not only learn how to write a “recruiter approved” resume but also how to use the resume to maximize your chances of getting the first interview! (Templates included!)

The Ultimate Job Seeker Bootcamp

Once you get the first interview, it’s up to you to sell yourself throughout the entire interview process. That’s what this course covers. A complete A to Z interview training guide on how to navigate through a major corporation’s hiring process and land the offer!

Unlocking LinkedIn

Learn how to maximize your career opportunities, have recruiters knocking down your door & access the hidden job market!


It’s like having your own personal Career Coach available 24/7.


Registered students


Guided lectures


Hours of training

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With a total social media audience of over 500,000 followers, I cover the latest career and side hustle topics you care about! You might find yourself binging…

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