5 AI tools to help you get a job faster
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5 AI Tools To Speed Up Your Job Search

If you can’t be them, join them. At least, that’s what some wise man somewhere once said.

Sure, artificial intelligence is being used to replace some people’s jobs, but what if I told you you could leverage it to FIND a job?

So, I’ve compiled a list of 5 handy AI-related tools that every job seeker can use to give themselves an advantage and speed up their job search.

Now, let’s dive in: Here’s 5 AI tools to speed up your job search.

Resume Customization – TEAL

I’m sure you’ve heard it 1000 times by now. Resume customization is crucial. In fact, it’s a requirement in today’s job market.


Because it allows you to tailor your qualifications and experiences to match the specific requirements of each job opportunity.

This increases the chances of your resume being noticed by recruiters…and, more importantly, those hiring managers.

Employers receive countless resumes for each job opening. I’ve received over 700 applications for one senior IT role in 26 hours!

So generic, one-size-fits-all resumes are likely to get lost in the shuffle.

But I know what you’re saying…

Customizing every resume is such a pain!

Well, it doesn’t have to be.

I teach an easy 5-minute method for customizing your resume in Resume Rocketfuel.

But you can also leverage the power of A.I. to help.

Many people have started to use ChatGPT to customize their resume. But it can be cumbersome to use. But the good news is that there are now services that have made the process of customizing your resume using ChatGPT easier.

And one of the best options I’ve found to date is Teal, which is pretty much the industry standard.

Teal AI Resume creator and customizer

Unfortunately, you’ll still need to do some manual work to plug the info into your recruiter-approved resume template, but it can help you quickly customize your bullet points to the job posting.

Here’s the thing: Your A.I. resume is only as good as what you start with. So if you put crap in, it’s not magically going to spit gold out.

For the best results, start with a rock-solid base resume, then use Teal to help customize it further.

AI Headshots – Insta Headshots

First impressions matter. Especially if you’re building a personal brand.

And having a bad photo (or worse, no photo) on your LinkedIn profile can hurt your chances at impressing recruiters.

But if you’re like me, having your photo taken isn’t something you like doing. Which is ironic, considering I’m a professional photographer too.

And hiring a headshot photographer can be expensive and time consuming. (I used to charge $250 for 3 edited images)

The good news is that there are now viable options using AI to get a great looking, natural headshot without leaving the comfort of your own home.

One of the most natural looking headshot tools I’ve found is Insta Headshots.

Simply upload a few clear selfies from your phone, and in about 1 hour you’ll have a handful of professional headshots and a fraction of the price of a photographer.

I hate that I love this.

(My headshot photographer friends are low-key freaking out right now)

Job Search Tracking – Notion

When you’re deep in a job search, and that resume is working (your resume is producing results, right?), it can be easy to lose track of things.

Especially if you’ve found yourself in multiple interview processes in a row.

That’s why I use Notion to help keep track of job applications and interviews. (among many other things)

Notion AI writing and organizer

Download the software and head to the templates. For job search, I use the job search templates.

But you’ll probably find yourself getting lost browsing 1000s of user-generated templates the platform makes available to everyone. Pretty cool, right?

My favorite one is this job application tracking template.

Notion AI job tracker

You can keep tabs on the open job applications, which status each one is in, and who the important people are.

Furthermore, you can use it to track who you’ve networked with and who the critical contacts are.

In other words, this is a must have if you’re searching across multiple platforms or with different resumes. (and especially important if you use the next tool on the list)

Would be pretty embarrassing to get a call on a job you didn’t recall applying to… (true story, this happens all the time when I’m recruiting)

But you can also use Notion for goal setting, navigating the steps of a complex career change or to help with productivity tracking.

Best part is there’s a free option if you’re on a budget.

This is seriously one of the most useful pieces of software I use.

Job Search Automation – Massive

Job search is cumbersome and tiring.

But the reality is that you need volume when you’re in an active job search.

The old way of applying meant setting alerts and diligently searching for hours for new job postings.

Now there’s an easier way. A much easier way.

You can now have A.I. do the legwork.

Dan and the folks over at Massive have been brewing up something…well…massive.

Their new system automatically searches for and even applies to jobs on your behalf!

Massive AI job application review

Simply log in, set up a few parameters and let the AI system find roles you qualify for. Then wait for the interview.

Well…not so fast.

You’ll still want to sprinkle in some targeted networking on LinkedIn for those really appealing jobs.

Admittedly, I do have some heartburn about letting AI do all the work for you on your job search. I mean, you’re not truly taking control of your career if you don’t even know what you’re applying for.

But the fact is, we need to find the right mix of application volume, especially when we’re in an active job search.

Just make sure you’re leveraging Notion to keep track of things. You’re going to need it!

It’s a very interesting tool, indeed.

Networking Automation – CopyAI 

A custom resume may be the steak, but the secret sauce is targeted networking.

Why? Through targeted networking, you’re reaching people who have direct decision making capacity.

But trying to build a rich network of the right people can seem impossible. That’s where Copy AIcomes in.

Copy AI review

Their marketing integration allows you to build pipelines of targeted people by scraping LinkedIn profiles. You can then send them emails and market your brand in a subtle but powerful way.

Now, of course, you don’t want to spam a hiring manager, but doing a bit of company research prior to your application may work wonders for your callback ratios.

READ: How to network using LinkedIn

Personally, I might consider building a list of all recruiters in my specific industry, and sending a passive note occasionally introducing myself.

(Hint: Unlocking LinkedIn provides template suggestions that have proven success with reaching recruiters)

That MIGHT catch the attention of someone who’s hiring.

Especially when they see my amazing, targeted resume.

Furthermore, I use Copy AIto help create LinkedIn posts to help promote my personal brand.

You ARE promoting your brand by posting regularly on LinkedIn, right?…

And you can use to do to interview preparation, by learning more about the people on your interview panel.

But that’s not all Copy AI is good for. You can also use it to summarize podcasts, Youtube videos (not mine, though) and other longer form content. Perfect for learning and pre-interview preparation!

This is one slick software system.

5 AI tools to speed up your job search

In conclusion, while the emerging world of AI can evoke fear or uncertainty among job seekers (especially with all the headlines coming out about job eliminations), it’s worth recognizing the benefits that AI tools can offer in the job search process.

From resume optimization and personalized job recommendations to interview preparation and skill development, AI tools can really enrich the job search process and make it less painful.

In a tight labor market, you need any advantage you can get. So I’d encourage you to look at these 5 AI tools to speed up your job search.

That’s acting like the CEO of your career.

(In the spirit of full transparency, some of the links included in this post are affiliate links. What does that mean, you ask? Well, it’s simple! If you also see the value in these services and decide to purchase, we might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

It’s like giving us a little high-five for sharing awesome content with you. I also never promote any products I don’t use myself, so, if you find something you love, feel free to click away and support us. Thanks a bunch!)

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1 – If you’re still looking for traction in your business, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:

Resume Rocketfuel: This best-selling course will teach you the exact system I use to write your own professional-quality resume, quickly and easily. (ATS-approved templates included!)

The Ultimate Jobseeker Bootcamp: This A-to-Z guide takes you from job search all the way to offer negotiation, provided detailed, recruiter-proven strategies. Don’t leave a single dime on the table ever again!

Unlocking LinkedIn: Walks you step-by-step on how to set up a profile for maximum discoverability, techniques for accessing the hidden job market and how to cut in front of the long application lines. Learn how to skip the recruiter altogether!

2. Gain extra personalized clarity with private 1×1 coaching 
Have a specific question or strategy that requires more tailored help? I offer limited private coaching sessions. My clients have had too many “ah ha!” moments to count.

Happy hunting!


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