How to deal with office politics
Office politics is an unfortunate but inevitable aspect of working in an organization. It refers to the use of power and influence to achieve personal or professional goals, often at the expense of others. It can take many forms, from gossiping and backstabbing to favoritism and exclusion. But if you want to get ahead, you’ll need to play the political game to some degree. So in this article, I will share some ways you can deal with office politics as you further your career without compromising your integrity.
Learning how to deal with office politics
Dealing with office politics can be challenging and stressful, but there are ways to navigate it effectively. Like it or not, if you want to further your career and move up in an organization, you’ll need to play along to some degree.
The first step in dealing with office politics is understanding your organization’s dynamics. This includes understanding the power structure, the different personalities and motivations, and the unwritten rules of the office.
Know who makes the rules
In most organizations, the top-level leaders determine who benefits from decisions. Hiring, firing, and layoff lists are often determined at these levels.
If you’re looking to maintain good standing, find who the power players are and make sure they know you. Be involved, and speak up in meetings. Volunteer for high-visibility projects and tasks. The better these leaders know you, the better off you’ll be in your career.
This knowledge will help you identify potential sources of conflict and better understand how to interact with your colleagues.
Maintain a positive attitude
One of the most effective ways to deal with office politics is to maintain a positive attitude. Getting caught up in negative gossip and complaints is easy, but this only fuels the fire. Instead, focus on staying positive and professional, even in difficult situations. This will help you build strong relationships and earn the respect of your colleagues.
Another key strategy is to build a strong network of allies.
This includes identifying people you can trust and rely on inside and outside your department. Building a network of allies can provide support and advice when dealing with office politics. It can also help you navigate the politics of the office and increase your chances of success.
Be proactive
Another essential strategy is to be proactive in addressing issues. If you notice a problem, don’t wait for someone else to take action. Instead, take the initiative to address it directly and constructively. This will show that you’re a leader who is willing to take action and not afraid to speak up.
Be a problem solver
If you notice a problem, volunteer to fix it. Listen closely to what’s said in meetings and be opportunistic. If the senior leader says they would like to accomplish something, be quick to raise your helping hand.
Learn how to communicate clearly
Communication is also a key aspect of dealing with office politics. Clear and effective communication can help prevent conflicts from escalating and can be the key to resolving conflicts. This includes being honest, direct, and respectful when communicating with colleagues. It’s also important to listen actively and consider the perspectives of others.
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Hang out with the right people
In most companies, there’s an “in crowd,” and there’s everyone else. I realize this sounds cliquish, and it is. If you’re the type who hangs around the water cooler gossiping, you’re probably not keeping the right company.
Be purposeful in befriending other coworkers who are rising. Better yet, find ways to associate with people already in roles you aspire to one day. If you spend most of your time with peers stuck in neutral, you may not be challenged.
But if you’re associated with the people moving up in the organization, the positive influence will certainly transfer to you.
Learn how to leverage your networks
You’ll never move up in an organization if you don’t have access to the right people. And if you’re blocked in your current organization, it may be time to expand your network and find a new job. Building strong networks is a crucial skill you’ll need to develop.
ALL top employees have a strong network they can leverage. And if they are blocked in their current job, they tap into their network to pursue their career and also need to build up strong networks. To learn how to tap into the RIGHT networks, check out Unlocking LinkedIn if you need help.

Do good work
It should go without saying that your performance needs to be superior for office politics to be beneficial. After all, how many low performers do you see getting promoted? (on second thought, don’t answer that…). Top performers will automatically get more opportunities to impress senior leadership with high-visibility projects. And as these leaders become more familiar with you, your name will likely come up in succession planning discussions.
Above all else, maintain your integrity
It is important to maintain your integrity and stay true to your values. Office politics can be tempting to engage in, but it’s essential to remember that it’s not worth compromising your integrity or values. Not everyone wants to do what it takes to be in the inner circle, and that’s perfectly okay.
Stand up for what you believe in, and do not engage in unethical or illegal behavior. You’ll be respected for staying true to your principles, and it will help you maintain your self-esteem.
Be aware of your biases
Another important aspect of dealing with office politics is to be aware of your own biases. We all have biases, and it’s essential to be aware of them and how they may influence our interactions with others. By being aware of your biases, you can work to overcome them and be more open-minded and understanding of others.
Manage your stress levels
Finally, taking care of yourself and managing your stress levels are essential. Office politics can be stressful, but taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, and doing regular physical activity. It’s also important to take time for yourself and engage in activities you enjoy.
Playing the office politics game isn’t for everyone
In conclusion, office politics is an unfortunate but inevitable aspect of working in an organization. It can be challenging and stressful, but it can be managed effectively.
By understanding the dynamics of your organization, maintaining a positive attitude, building a strong network of allies, being proactive, communicating effectively, maintaining integrity, being aware of your own biases, and taking care of yourself, you can navigate the politics of the office and increase your chances of success.
Remember that office politics is a part of working life, and it’s not always bad; it can also help you learn how to deal with different people, understand how organizations work, and develop your skills. Embrace it and make the most of it.
If you’re feeling your career is stuck
If you feel stuck in your career, you’re in the right place. This website is a resource for career-minded people seeking to unlock their potential. I also encourage you to visit my Youtube and Tiktok channels for more advice and insight from a corporate recruiter.

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