How to get promoted at work
I’m always asked how to get promoted at work…and the answer will surprise you:
Most people won’t.
After conducting over 1000 career coaching sessions with clients from all walks of life, I noticed a common thread.
They either couldn’t start their career or had hit a progression roadblock. In other words, they were stuck in place and feeling hopeless that they’d ever make meaningful progress.
So, I compiled a list of mistakes that career-frustrated people consistently make. Two underlying themes surfaced:
- A lack of visibility
- A lack of reputation.
These things hold people back from career progress and satisfaction.
Let’s dive in:
Mistake #1: Being a Wallflower
One of the main reasons you have a visibility issue is that nobody knows who you are. You blend into the crowd, never raise your hand or offer your opinion.
And when there’s a highly visible opportunity that comes your way, you duck out of the way, hoping not to be noticed.
But the problem is that if you never put yourself into a position to be noticed, they won’t notice you either.
Especially behind closed doors, where the actual decisions get made.
The Wallflower avoids risks because it’s comfortable. But it comes at the cost of career progression.
Mistake #2: Having no definable brand.
Everyone has a personal brand, whether they realize it or not. It’s what you’re known for when someone thinks of you.
- You could be the technical expert.
- Or the social butterfly.
- Or the steady eddy.
- Or the aggressive one.
- Or the one nobody notices, who just does their work with little fanfare.
The problem is similar to the Wallflower. If you have no definable brand – in other words, you’re kinda “generic” – they won’t take notice either.
If you’re not sure what your brand is, ask some confidants.
“When you think of me at work, what comes to mind?”
Of course, your work friends would likely say some beautiful things about you.
But if you’re feeling more bold, ask your boss the same question. (hint – check your last performance appraisal).
Or even better, your boss’s boss.
If they couldn’t say much about you or you don’t like what they’d say, you have a branding issue.
READ: How to take control of your career
Mistake #3: Being too good at your job
I bet you weren’t expecting this one.
But being TOO good at your job is actually holding you back—or, more accurately, holding you in place.
The best performers aren’t often the most promotable.
In fact, they often just get the most work or the hardest assignments.
Because they know you can handle it. They rely on you to get the job done.
And therein lies the problem.
If you’re too good and you’re not careful about what you’re doing, you could make yourself irreplaceable—and not in a good way.
They simply can’t bear to lose you, so they’ll pass you by for promotion.
Mistake #4: Being too loyal
Traditional wisdom says you should be loyal to a fault. It’s something to be valued. And in the context of your career, it rarely works out that way.
Obviously, employers have never been less loyal, and layoffs are spiking (again!).
But loyalty is a two-way street.
When you stick around for too long, it costs you dearly, too.
Especially if you’ve been passed by for promotion repeatedly.
Because your loyalty is setting you back in your career, and our career runway only has so much pavement.
You may desperately try to progress, but your company never seems to take notice of you. The carrot is always dangled just out of reach, and you may think…“maybe next time I’ll get the promotion.“
But I think we both know it’s unlikely to come. At least not there.
At some point, you must take ownership and look out for yourself first.
Be dedicated but not loyal.
There is a difference.

Mistake #5: Having no strategy
Perhaps the biggest mistake is the one that can solve (nearly) all of your issues.
A strategy – or lack thereof.
Most people go through their careers rudderless, like paper boats floating down a stream with no direction in mind. They let the currents of their careers carry them where they may. One day, when they’re far from their ideal destination, they realize they’re hopelessly lost.
And they may have to settle for a less-than-ideal career outcome.
But this doesn’t have to be you.
I approach every single thing I do in my career with strategy:
- What jobs I take
- What I’ll accomplish
- How my resume is written
- How I approach interviewing
- My networking
- When I’ll quit.
Everything I do has a strategic purpose. Nothing is random, and nothing is left to chance or luck.
And therefore, I’m no longer caught off-guard, and never (ever) the victim.
What can you do about it?
So how do you get promoted at work? Well, for starters, I’d examine these mistakes carefully and see if any resonate with you.
If so, I’d take corrective action immediately.
I’d also honestly assess my current job situation and reputation. (hint: ask some people you trust, or even your boss to describe you in a work-context)
Here’s an unfortunate truth.
Your reputation is solidified by the time you reach your 1st anniversary. They already know what they have with you, and you won’t likely change their minds now. (it’s not impossible, but you’ve got your work cut out for you)
And if you’ve been passed by for promotion, I’d certainly think about acting like the CEO of my career.
Just don’t keep making the same mistakes repeatedly.
Otherwise, the next job isn’t likely to fix anything.
note: I’ve created a new course, The Ultimate Career Blueprint, to help folks unstick their careers with an easy-to-follow, yet powerful strategy.
Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
1 – If you’re still looking for traction in your business, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:
Resume Rocketfuel: This best-selling course will teach you the exact system I use to write your own professional-quality resume, quickly and easily. (ATS-approved templates included!)
The Ultimate Jobseeker Bootcamp : This A-to-Z guide takes you from job search all the way to offer negotiation, provided detailed, recruiter-proven strategies. Don’t leave a single dime on the table ever again!
Unlocking LinkedIn: Walks you step-by-step on how to set up a profile for maximum discoverability, techniques for accessing the hidden job market and how to cut in front of the long application lines. Learn how to skip the recruiter altogether!
2. Gain extra personalized clarity with private 1×1 coaching
Have a specific question or strategy that requires more tailored help? I offer limited private coaching sessions. My clients have had too many “ah ha!” moments to count.
Happy hunting!