Want to get hired faster? Customize your resume.
When I was looking for a job in early 2020, I started doing what most job seekers do. I submitted countless job applications to every relevant posting.
It didn’t matter what the job was. As long as it was a reasonably close match, I was shooting over a resume.
I figured it would be a matter of time before my phone started ringing
But the phone didn’t ring.
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In fact, it was crickets for months.
I recall the only job opportunities I was hearing back from were low-quality employers. One was a shady headhunting firm that only cared what book of business I could bring them.
Another, an HR job with a real estate management company that I wouldn’t have given the time of day in a “normal” market.
I realized quickly that I needed to change my spray & pray approach, or I’d never land a decent job.
My generic resume wasn’t getting me interviews.
It dawned on me that my resume was almost certainly the culprit.
No matter how varied the job posting was, I had been sending out the same resume. If the title somewhat matched my ever-loosening criteria, it was getting my generic resume.
I look back now at how many hours I wasted applying for a job this way. The only thing it was good for was getting more rejection letters.
So I set out to develop a better system. One that would improve my chances of getting callbacks. And reduce the need to apply to every low-quality employer out there.
Customize your resume.
It’s not rocket science, but it does require you to start thinking like a recruiter.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you’re building your resume.
READ: How to speed up your job search
#1. Your resume needs to show you’re a fit
Consider these numbers. When I was recruiting, we received 200 candidates on average for each role we posted.
This didn’t include any candidates we sought ourselves.
Do the math. 200 applicants/1 hired = .005% applicant to hire ratio.
Not great odds, Bob. Not great at all.
When you’re sending out a generic resume, what are the chances that your resume will be seriously considered?
You have to assume at least five other candidates are a great fit for the job. How do you stack up against them?
And more importantly, does your resume clearly show it?
When you start to customize your resume, you’ll show that you’re a better fit, and move to the front of the line.
#2. Your resume needs to be simple.
Your resume will likely only get a few seconds to impress.
Imagine it like a video game.
- You start with 5 seconds.
- If the recruiter sees something they like, you earn another 5 seconds.
- Give them something else they’re looking for, and you earn an additional 5 seconds.
And with each glance, you’re more likely to end up in the “yes” pile.
In other words…
In the first 5 seconds, show the recruiter that your resume is worth reading deeper into. Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for.
If you make your resume too wordy, unrelated, or too dense, the recruiter will unlikely want to give you that next block of time.
Game over.
#3. Your resume has to be tailored to the job posting
The hiring manager created the job posting you’re reading.
Not the recruiter.
And because each hiring manager has something unique that they are looking for, no two jobs are likely going to be the same.
Neither should your resume.
Sending over the same generic resume you used for the previous 100 applications isn’t going to cut it.
If you want to get the call, your resume must closely match the job posting.
I know it takes time and effort, and who has time for that?
That’s why systems are so important. Knowing how and what to customize can save you time and increase your callbacks.
When you customize your resume, you’ll improve your success ratio.
When I discovered a system to speed up my resume writing, I suddenly started getting callbacks. And even better, from high-quality employers.
I went from applying to dozens of jobs each week to only a handful. The time I saved was used to carefully customize my resume and got me hired at Amazon.
And that’s worth the extra effort.
Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
1 – If you’re still looking for traction in your business, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:
→ Resume Rocketfuel: This best-selling course will teach you the exact system I developed to help over 1000 people land great jobs, myself included.
→ The Ultimate Jobseeker Bootcamp: This A-to-Z guide takes you from job search all the way to offer negotiation, providing detailed, recruiter-proven strategies.
→ Unlocking LinkedIn: Unlocking LinkedIn walks you step-by-step on how to set up a profile for maximum discoverability, techniques for accessing the hidden job market, and how to cut in front of the long application lines!

2. Gain extra personalized clarity with private 1×1 coaching
Have a specific question or strategy that requires more tailored help? I offer limited private coaching sessions. My clients have had too many “ah ha!” moments to count.
Happy hunting!